Asia Bookroom
Member of ANZAAB - Australia
Member of ABA - United Kingdom
South East Asia
Asia Bookroom is a large open shop specialising in books on Asia with smaller sections on the Middle East and the Pacific. Our stock ranges from antiquarian and secondhand books through to ephemera, prints and maps and even some new books.
We sell to private customers and institutions around the world. Join our mailing list to receive tailored offerings of new arrivals in your particular area of interest and visit our shop next time you are in Canberra.

Lawry Pl Macquarie, 2614 Australia Get Directions
Store Hours
Hours are generally:
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00 - 5.30;
Saturday: 10.00 - 5.00
Sunday: Closed
However, times can vary.
Please check our website to be sure before making a special visit.